Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Intersectional Analysis of Bend It Like Beckham
Intersectional analysis of Bend it Like Beckham. For this assignment, to make an intersectional analysis I decided to watch a movie. After searching and thinking for a while I picked the movie Bend it Like Beckham, since a lot of elements in this movie are applicable on my own life and I really could relate to one of the characters in the movie. As the title of the movie already implies, it is about football and takes place in England. Jesminder is a Sikh, Indian girl from a very traditional Indian family. She is not interested in fashion, boys and her looks; the only thing she is interested in is football.One time when she is playing in the park with her friends, who are all boys, Jules sees Jesminder play. Jules is an English, white girl who plays football. Jules askes if Jesminder wants to join the team, but Jesminderââ¬â¢s parents do not agree. She joins the team anyways and this causes a lot of friction in her own family. Parminder Nagra, who is in her real life also a member of the Sikh religion, plays Jesminder. She grew up in England and from an early age on she wanted to become an actress. Her parents wanted her to finish her education first before she was allowed to start acting.Bend it Like Beckham was her breakthrough film and got her a role in the popular TV-show ER. Keira Knightley is the actress who plays Jules in the movie. She is a white woman, born and raised in England. She started acting at a very young age. Bend it Like Beckham was also her breakthrough movie and she has played in countless of popular movies since, for example Pirates of the Caribbean, Love Actually, Pride and Prejudice. The director of the movie, Gurinder Chadha, is a woman from Indian decent, who is also a member of the Sikh religion, was born in Kenya but grew up in London.She studied journalism and ended up working as a reporter for the BBC and quickly realized she wanted to direct movies and documentaries. Most of her films focus on the differences between Indian an d English families and the inequality between them, mostly in a negative way for the Indians. Bend it Like Beckham is one of her most famous works. After describing the movie contents, the main actors and the director, I am going to apply intersectional analysis to this movie. Before starting the intersectional analysis the term intersectionality needs to be explained.Kimberle Crenshaw was the first person that mentioned the theory of intersectionality. This theory is a study that focuses on the different biological, social and cultural categories that define someoneââ¬â¢s identity and place in society. All these categories are in relation with each other, for instance gender, class, race and sexual orientation combined define your place in society and sadly also the way people treat you. These so called axes all influence each other, there is not just one aspect that defines our place in society.Combinations of all the axes, the starting point of intersectionality, contribute to social inequality, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, but also religion-based discrimination. According to this theory the person who would be the most accepted is a white, straight male from a higher class. A black, gay woman from a lower class would take the lowest position in society, while a white, gay woman from lower class would stand above her, and a white, straight woman from lower class would even take a higher position in society.Now that I explained the theory of intersectionality I can apply it to the movie, but before I do that, I would like to make a point about football-movies in general, and also a point about the lead actresses of the movie. After watching this movie I decided to search for other movies about football. There are over hundreds of movies that focus on menââ¬â¢s football in one way or another, a team, the fans, a coach, but only a few movies, a total of seven, focus on girls that play football, and Bend it Like Beckham is the only one with the foc us on a girl who is not white.This shows that football is a sport that is still very gender-based, despite the fact that in the Netherlands alone already 120. 000 girls play football. Also race plays an important part, because all the other movies about girlââ¬â¢s football focus on white girls, while I know from my own experience there are a lot of girls from different races who play football. I myself played football for seven years, and I played in a team where half of the girls were non-whites. I will focus on this later on.The second point I would like to make is that despite this movie is the breakthrough for both main characters, Keira Knightley and Parminder Nagra, Keira is way more successful than Parminder. I researched both their filmographies, and Keira got a lot of movie offers after this movie, while Parminderââ¬â¢s only offer was a role, not even a leading role, in the TV-show ER. Parminder played in a few small movies, and in every single one of them the focus w as on her racial background, while Keira Knightley got very divers movie offers, from playing a pirate to an historical person. The fact hat the role offers for both women depend on their race shows that in this case Parminder has a lower position in the society. She has very limited choices to pick from, while Keira has, because of her white skin-color, more choices. With that being said I can focus myself on the movie itself. This movie really focuses on gender and ethnicity, but sexual orientation is also a big part of it. Football is still seen as a menââ¬â¢s sport, and these girls in the movies are automatically a minority because they play football. I myself have encountered the same problems as these girls.I am a white, straight girl living in a western country, but when I told people, that I played football, their reaction was always: ââ¬Ëa girl who plays football? That is so weird! ââ¬â¢ And without their knowledge of my sexuality, quite often people assumed I was a lesbian because I played football. Without knowing any axes of my life, I was automatically put in a lower position, just because I am a girl who played football. This also is seen in the movie. Jules has short hair, wears baggy clothes and plays football, and her mother overhears a conversation between Jules and Jess about love, but she misinterprets it and thinks Jules is gay.The mother is very upset about her daughter being gay and when Jules tells she is not gay, the mother is very relieved and then says there is nothing wrong with being gay. Even though she says that, she is still happy her own daughter is in fact not a lesbian. This shows certain stereotypes towards girls that play football, have short hair and wear baggy clothes. Football is such a gendered sport that it automatically leads to sexism, thinking girls who play football must be lesbian because they play a menââ¬â¢s sport.Lesbianism is also seen as something less good than being straight, seeing the mother i s relieved her daughter is not a lesbian. The coach of the team, a young, straight white man is ashamed to be the coach of a girlââ¬â¢s team. He had to stop playing football due to an injury, and he wanted to do something with football. He ended up coaching the girls team, but he has never told this to his father because he is afraid his father will get angry because ââ¬Ëtheyââ¬â¢re just girlsââ¬â¢. This also shows the gender-based thinking towards girls, but intersectionality becomes even clearer when race gets involved. When Jesminder first joins the team, the eaction of the coach is that he has never seen an Indian girl play football, and he is angry with Jules for bringing her to the team because he expects her to not be able to play football, because she is an Indian girl. He says this without even seeing her play. She turns out to be the best of the team. Without knowing anything about her he places her in a lower social position than white girls, just because of h er race, and he already places himself above girls. During a match a girl from the opponent calls Jesminder names, a specific word being used is ââ¬ËPakiââ¬â¢, which is a swearword used towards people from Indian decent.Even though itââ¬â¢s a girl who calls Jesminder this and probably has experienced the same gender and sexism problems as the other girls in this movie, she still places herself above Jesminder in the social hierarchy, only because Jesminder is from a different race. A different scene that shows the lower position of Jesminder is when her parents want her to focus on school instead of football. They literally say she needs the highest grades possible for a good future because her chances for a good job are smaller than the chances of an average white girl, whose chances are again smaller than those of a white boy.This sentence alone shows her chances of a good future are gender and racial based. The class she will belong to when sheââ¬â¢s an adult depends on how good her job is, which again depends on her gender and race. This thus shows that women who are not white almost automatically end up in the lower classes of the society. A white woman has more chances to end up in a higher class, but still has fewer chances than a white man. Jesminder would make more chances for a good job if she were an Indian boy, because then only race would be a problem, while in her case itââ¬â¢s race and gender.As I said, in my own football team were a lot of non-white girls, and all of them, at least they parents did, belonged to the lower class, while the white girls in my team, including myself, were from a higher class than they are. There is one point in the movie where the lower position of the male is seen. Her best friend, a boy named Tony, confesses to her he is gay, but she must promise him she will not tell anyone about this. In the Indian religion it is not acceptable to be gay, that is his reason not to tell anyone. But if he would be o penly gay, his position on the social ladder would get lower, because he would be gay, Indian man. If Jesminder would be from a different ethnicity I do not think it would have made any changes for the movie. The main point is that a white skin colour in the western world means a higher place in society than any other skin colour. If Jesminder had been a lesbian it would have placed her even lower on the social ladder. This also applies for Jules, she is a white, straight female, so she is quite privileged in general, but I think if the director had made her a lesbian, the stereotypes towards girls that play football would be even clearer and also show more struggles of women in a society.Sexuality does play a part in the movie, since Julesââ¬â¢ mother thinks she is a lesbian, but yet she turns out to be straight. I think this movie really shows the importance of using intersectuality when it comes to determining someoneââ¬â¢s position in the society. The struggles of girls th at play football to be accepted playing a menââ¬â¢s sport and overcoming typical stereotypes are shown, just as well the struggles of an Indian football-playing girl being accepted in the western society. This movie shows that football is still a very gendered sport and that a girlââ¬â¢s choice to play football influences her position.Gender, race and sexuality play an important part in this movie and combinations of these axes are shown really well. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â [ 1 ]. Internet Movie Database, ââ¬ËBend it Like Beckham (2002)ââ¬â¢, http://www. imdb. com/title/tt0286499/? ref_=sr_1 [ 2 ]. Internet Movie Database, ââ¬ËParminder Nagraââ¬â¢, http://www. imdb. com/name/nm0619406/bio [ 3 ]. Internet Movie Database, ââ¬ËKeira Knightleyââ¬â¢, http://www. imdb. com/name/nm0461136/? ref_=tt_cl_t2 [ 4 ]. Internet Movie Database, ââ¬ËGurinder Chadhaââ¬â¢, htt p://www. imdb. om/name/nm0149446/? ref_=tt_ov_dr [ 5 ]. UCLA School of Law, ââ¬ËKimberle W. Crenshawââ¬â¢, http://www. law. ucla. edu/faculty/all-faculty- profiles/professors/Pages/kimberle-w-crenshaw. aspx [ 6 ]. E. Midden, Transnational feminism lecture, 12 February 2013. [ 7 ]. E. Midden, Transnational feminism lecture, 7 January 2013. [ 8 ]. Internet Movie Database ââ¬Ëmovies about soccerââ¬â¢, http://www. imdb. com/list/Rt0kVvuG_IA/ [ 9 ]. Koninklijke Nederlandse Voetbalbond, ââ¬Ëvrouwenvoetbalââ¬â¢ http://www. knvb. nl/competities/amateurvoetbal/vrouwen) [ 10 ]. K.Crenshaw, ââ¬ËDemarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politicsââ¬â¢, University of Chicago Legal Forum (1989) 59. [ 11 ]. G. Wekker, and H. Lutz. , ââ¬ËHigh winds on a cold Plainââ¬â¢, Botman, Jouwe and Wekker, (eds. ) Caleidoscopische Visies, (2001), 2-4. [ 12 ]. K. Crenshaw, ââ¬ËDemarg inalizing the Intersection of Race and Sexââ¬â¢, 65. [ 13 ]. G. Wekker, and H. Lutz. , ââ¬ËHigh winds on a cold Plainââ¬â¢, 8-9. [ 14 ]. E. Midden, Transnational feminism lecture, 12 February 2013. [ 15 ]. G. Wekker, and H. Lutz. , ââ¬ËHigh winds on a cold Plainââ¬â¢, 14-16.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Bright ideas Essay
The history of the progress of the human race is history of bright ideas. Looking at the great breakthroughs we had since civilisation began,we see that from to time there has been individuals and groups who challenged established beliefs and overcame limitations that had kept back the race. Known history records breakthroughs with bright ideas and based in this,we can safely say that even in mankind a early breakthroughs had probably been brought about by bright ideas. This trend continues today as man progresses onwards. The first bright idea man ever had would probably was what saved him from wondering and wandering for food, or the introduction of fire. Other came up with the idea of growing food for self use rather than chasing it. Taming I animals also came as a bright idea to man. Tools such as the famous ââ¬Å"wheelâ⬠will give you a perfect idea of what Iââ¬â¢m talking about. Many if our modern inventions are the result of having such bright ideas of scientists who tried vainly for the making of them. One has to thank Newton,Einstei,Edison and hundreds of other scientists who have changed our way of lifestyle, how we react, how we so everything. Such were those great ideas that shaked the earth. But these bright ideas have made inventions whom we are using for the destruction like the splitting of atom was made for the make of cheap electricity bit rather than that itââ¬â¢s being used for the making of atomic and nuclear bombs that wipes out the entire life in an area In the future we capture the idea of the making of the time machines and cloning machines. These are also te results if the clones to be formed. Such is the brightness of the bright ideas
Monday, July 29, 2019
Characterization of Macoute in The Dew Breaker
Characterization of Macoute in The Dew Breaker The Dew Breaker, a novel by Edwidge Danticat that tells of Jean-Claude Duvalierââ¬â¢s inherited dictatorship in Haiti, appears to be a novel about two things. On the one hand, it documents the life and trials of a Tonton Macoute, a government sanctioned torturer; on the other hand, it also tells of the cowardice of weak men with great power. The ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢ that is the eponym for the book is constantly characterized by his cowardice, his desire for forgiveness but his inability to ask for it. This conflict that the ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢ has within himself also tends to inspire conflict within the reader. Should one hate him or pity him? Is he unforgivable because of what he has done or is his own fear, coupled with circumstance, truly to blame? After examining the characterization of the ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢ and the situations in which he was placed, it can be inferred that while he may not deserve forgiveness, this manââ¬â¢s obvious pusillanimity make s him pitiable. The novel begins with the story of Ka, an aspiring young artist and the daughter of the ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢. The ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢ is presented as a simple Haitian barber, an escaped military prisoner with a devotedly Catholic wife and loving daughter. The reader easily falls into step with Ka and her father as they travel to Florida to sell one of Kaââ¬â¢s sculptures. This sculpture is inspired by the bent and broken prisoner Ka believed her father to be. Besides relating parts of her fatherââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"pastâ⬠in Haiti, Ka also tells of a jagged, horrifying scar that has nearly ruined her fatherââ¬â¢s face. She easily recounts the story he told her as a child: that a guard working for the regime of Jean-Claude Duvalier sliced open her fatherââ¬â¢s face in a random act of cruelty. It later becomes apparent that this tale is indeed a lie told to Ka for over thirty years. Towards the middle of the chapter, Kaââ¬â¢s father finally opens up with the t ruth after destroying his daughterââ¬â¢s sculpture, saying, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ Ka, your father was the hunter, he was not the preyâ⬠¦ I was never in prisonâ⬠(21). In one instant, everything that Danticat has told the reader about Kaââ¬â¢s father seems to be untrue. This man, who was known in Haiti as a Tonton Macoute, an infamous ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢, finally speaks the truth to his daughter and in the process destroys the innate trust Ka has in him. The idea that he kept such a secret from her for so long is surely an example of his infinite cowardice. However, it also proves he wants nothing more than love for the man he is, not hate for the man he had been. Another point of interest in The Dew Breaker is the main characterââ¬â¢s demand that he be allowed to wear civilian clothes. In the last chapter, ââ¬Å"The Dew Breakerâ⬠, the protagonist simply states that ââ¬Å"he didnââ¬â¢t like the uniformâ⬠(196). The idea that he feels he is above other Macoutes and has the right to make demands is perfectly absurd and also cowardly. A Macoute walking home alone in standard denim runs the risk of being attacked and possibly killed; the ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢sââ¬â¢ refusal to wear the uniform proves he is a coward, a man who cannot stand the idea of imminent physical harm. This basic denial of Macoute custom sets the main character apart from all others: he is not in imminent danger because he is allowed to dress normally, he can avoid unwanted attention, and his lack of uniform saves him later when he runs into Anne outside Casernes. Had he been wearing the denim of his station, I doubt Anne would have reacted so charita bly. Incidentally, ââ¬Å"The Dew Breakerâ⬠also presents the same conflict as seen in the beginning of the book. It offers no real resolution as the last chapter but it does leave the reader with a feeling of modern day catharsis. This chapter flashes back to the ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢, an active and senior member of Duvalierââ¬â¢s Macoutes while in Haiti. Danticat opens by describing the main character in a soft but insistent way. He is an important and self-indulgent man in the Tonton Macoutes who has been sent to kill an outspoken preacher. The ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢ voices a disdain of this job in the beginning of the chapter, saying that, ââ¬Å"He wanted a perfect view of the church entrance in case the opportunity came to do the job from inside his carâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (183). This obvious lack of courage produces a key moment in the novel: the Macoute is afraid to take a chance with the preacherââ¬â¢s unrestrained congregation. It is doubtless that, if the ââ¬Ëd ew breakerââ¬â¢ was alone during the public assassination of the preacher, the entire situation would have resulted in his own death. To protect himself, the ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢ chooses to bring along a group of other Macoutes. The preacher is roughly but quietly taken away, giving the illusion that he has ââ¬Å"disappearedâ⬠like all the rest. The quiet, subtle way in which the preacher was taken to Casernes helps to exemplify the main characterââ¬â¢s inflated concern for himself. He is not willing risk his life in any way, even to execute a duty given to him by the faction he so loves. The concern mentioned above is also present pages later, after the preacher has been taken to Casernes for questioning. Though it is surprising that the preacher was not restrained during interrogation, this small oversight by both the main character and Danticat serves a great purpose. In a marvelous last act of heroism, the preacher reaches for a splintered piece of wood from his broken chair and stabs ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"in [his] right cheek and [sinks] it in an inch or soâ⬠(226). Danticat goes on to further wound the ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢, saying that, ââ¬Å"The fat manââ¬â¢s shock worked in [the preacherââ¬â¢s] favor, for it allowed him a few seconds to slide the piece of wood down the fat manââ¬â¢s face, tearing the skin down his jawlineâ⬠(226). The action itself earns the preacher the quick death he so desires: he is immediately shot in the chest by the ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢, a man who cannot stand the idea of bruised pride. This m agnificent show of valor on the preacherââ¬â¢s part forever damages the ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢; it also contributes greatly to a weakness in character that will be present for the rest of his life. With the blood of the preacher on his hands, the ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢ becomes completely terrified. A huge gash in his face and dripping with blood, he stumbles out of Casernes, pushing aside his superiorââ¬â¢s assurance of asylum. The fact that he did not stay to face the consequences of his actions shows his cowardice yet again. He cannot bear the thought of punishment or reprimand even from an institution he has devoted his life to. Whenever there is a chance he might endure harm, the ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢ is quick to withdraw from the situation, either by blaming it on others or by running away. The constant theme of cowardice and fear in The Dew Breaker is important to the storyââ¬â¢s plot and also to the characterizations within. The ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢ as presented by Danticat is a man who evoked terror in the people; there mere mention of his name could send a Haitian into a fit of shivers or a bout of unwanted memories. It is ironic, then, that he should ultimately be the one who is most afraid and the one who would have to flee for his life. The ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢ was such a contradictory mess of both fear and courage, weakness and power, that one could not help but feel sorry for him. It is heart wrenching to think that a human being could do such terrible things and then struggle so completely with those facts afterwards. Itââ¬â¢s the story every person wants to hear: the story of a man battling his inner demons and his past to become more than he ever was before. While the ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢ does fall short of forgiveness and absolution, he also doe manage to achieve a kind of pitiable half-life, his attempt to be a good man despite his history of bad deeds. Ultimately, it is the ââ¬Ëdew breakerââ¬â¢sââ¬â¢ cowardice and lack of strength that makes him so close to the readerââ¬â¢s own heart. After all, we are all vulnerable in our own way.
Technology and Jobs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Technology and Jobs - Essay Example In the article Roberts argues that Obama is mistaken to say that the loss of jobs is partly to be blamed on technology. With the era of globalization, outsourcing has been a necessary tool for several companies including American corporations. This is a major factor which contributed to the rise in unemployment in the United States. This, more than technology may be blamed for such economic woes. If a country stifles technological advancement because of the fear that it may result in job losses, then it just might come true. But it is true to the extent that it losses jobs to other countries only because it has refused technological change. The trend now is to go global and a country cannot achieve it without the latest technologies. In the case of Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy, they were not able to cope with technological innovations, which resulted in a slow growth in the economy. This then resulted to huge debts, low investments and therefore few jobs were created. There was no confidence in the government. Like Roberts, one agrees that technology does not impede the growth of jobs; rather, technology creates jobs and makes the economy more
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Crime Problem from an Historical Perspective Essay
Crime Problem from an Historical Perspective - Essay Example Involvement of American society to the functioning of the justice system plays a vital role against crimes in a democratic environment. The societal behavior against crimes in United States is strong which deliberately reacts on justice system and present Hate Crime Laws in 1990 by George H.W. Bush (Terril, 2009). These laws protect civil society in which Attorney General is required to collect data on crimes which are committed because of the victimââ¬â¢s religion, race, disability or ethnicity. In Russia, after protests from the society against crimes raised, the government took serious actions and made a Federal Security Service (FSB) which now investigates crimes of national and international scope and provides security to the civil society. In 1996, under Russian Federal jurisdictio system criminal justice system started which solve many problems of the society. Criminal act is an act or possession under the laws of government which poses a violation of laws. The serial rapist is a crime without weapon, using physical force to do this crime and this unique criminal behavior must be controlled (Terril,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Russian Literature Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Russian Literature - Assignment Example This search symbolizes the dissatisfaction in his life and the craving for someone to complete this search. Furthermore, the fragrance and moisture of flowers signify the freshness of true love. The novelty of these feelings arouses Gurov to new heights of emotions and experiences. Finally, Chekhov further uses situational irony to show how Gurov changes. Gurov falls in love with who he calls an inferior race, which actually made him part of the better race, because love changed him to become a better person. Gurov sees women as an ââ¬Å"inferior raceâ⬠(362) and his first impression of Anna is that she is pathetic. By being in love with an inferior race, the situational irony is that Gurov has transformed into a ââ¬Å"better race,â⬠where he sheds the monotony of his life behind and experiences something so passionate and liberating. However, it remains ironic that Gurov keeps this life a secret, when it is only the life he ever wanted to live.
Friday, July 26, 2019
The Main Reason of Workforce Effective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Main Reason of Workforce Effective - Essay Example à à Having four learners to train in the duration of two months, I am supposed to assist the learners in the attainment of the following objectives. By the end of the training period, learners should be able to maintain a well-organized schedule thus utilizing the lotus note. By the end of the training period, learners should be able to design meeting and travel arrangements By the end of the training period, learners should be able to handle confidential mail By the end of the training period, learners should be able to communicate effectively with fellow working staff and the clients of the organization. By the end of the training session, learners should be able to provide all Administrative support to the President à à à à I will require them to work with various computer packages, for example, Access, Excel, Word, and PowerPoint among others to demonstrate their effectiveness.à By using Excel, Word, and PowerPoint design a travel and meeting arrangement plan to be used in an organization. Clearly, describe why you would use effective communication skills in directing callers in a busy business enterprise Explain the importance of properly handling the organizationââ¬â¢s confidential information? What could be the outcomes of leaking the companyââ¬â¢s confidential correspondence? Give a clear illustration on how to maintain proper schedules of a busy office bearer? Make use of the computer in answering your question. In order to pass my evaluation learners need to learn on how to make is of the computers in drawing schedules for a busy office, they need to learn good communication skills for use in the office The training resources /materials will include; Four computers to be used by the learners Textbooks on effective communication skills Prepared schedules to serve as demonstrations Questions and answer booklets to be used by the learners in their discussion work Case studies from various companies to be used in the training session. This will ensure a better understanding of the learners.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Nokia Business Strategy Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Nokia Business Strategy Report - Essay Example This report will determine the purpose and business performance of Nokia Corporation. Both the external and internal analysis has been conducted for Nokia in order to determine the impact of external environmental factors on the business performance of Nokia. The internal environmental analysis will help to determine the strategic strengths and weaknesses of Nokia Corporation. The strategic development part of the report will evaluate the corporationââ¬â¢s existing business and corporate level strategy. It will help to recommend effective strategic operation for Nokia Corporation so that the organization can overcome its key issues and challenges. Strategic Analysis This part of the business strategy report will provide a brief about the organization and its operating industry. This strategic analysis part will help the readers to determine the implemented strategies of Nokia and the impact of several external and internal environmental factors on the business performance of the o rganization. ... Global telecommunication industry is highly competitive as several leading organizations, such as Samsung, Apple and HTC are operating within this industry. Once, Nokia Corporation was considered as the leader within the global industry. But the organization lost its huge market share to its competitors due to several external and internal issues. The organization is one of the largest telecommunication equipment manufacturers. Nokia Corporation has a strong global presence. The employee strength of the organization is 87,100 (Macroaxis, 2013, p.1). Since last 5-7 years, the products of Nokia Corporation faced low sales due to lack of effective differentiation strategy and inadequate quality control (Marion, 2013, p.2). The Smartphone market share of Nokia has reduced from 33 percent to 14 percent in 2011 (Hui, 2013, p.1) Organizational Purpose Currently the company has formed a strategic partnership with Microsoft with the aim to build a mobile ecosystem worldwide. The phones operat ing on Windows would serve as the primary smart phone platform for Nokia. From April, 2011 Nokia has formed two distinct business units in the form of Smart devices and Mobile phones. The former units will be responsible for cementing the status of Nokia in the smart phone market while the later will leverage the innovation into new target markets so as to connect billions to people worldwide. Nokia Corporation is a multinational organization that engages in manufacturing and distribution of mobile phones and related accessories. Mission Statement The mission statement of the Nokia Corporation is to focus on effective decision-making strategy. The organization will create an effective
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Unit 4 assesment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Unit 4 assesment - Coursework Example Proper resource allocation enhances the performance of a project. Allocating resources for wrong ideas leads to project failure and is considered wastage of resources. In addition, Project managers should assign resources within the project in the right manner. This helps to avoid incurring losses and large operation cost. Currently, the economy is collapsing due to poor management in various financial sectors. This has led to tough competition, especially, in relation to financial resources. Most of the businesses experience increased operation cost. Therefore, there is a need for companies to limit budget for their projects. They can only do that if project manager avoid wasting or misusing any material through proper resource allocation (Gilbert & Bower, 2007). Time is one of the important natural resource for a project. Approximately, 80 percent of total projects in a company offer project managers a minimum timeline for their completion (Gilbert & Bower, 2007). The project manager should, therefore, divide all project activities on a daily basis to meet the time deadline of the project. In addition, the project manager can use critical path methods to determine the right time to allocate every project activity and ensure that they are completed in time. The project manager should not waste time. Proper time allocation, help the project manager to set a duration that each project activity will take and meet the deadline of the project even when any problem arise in the process of implementing the project. There is a need to allocate the right human resources within a multiple project environment. This assists in proper distribution of specific knowledge and skills within the project, hence improving its performance. In addition, proper allocation of human resources makes it is easier for a project manager to come up with a flexible daily plan for the project (Gilbert & Bower, 2007). Project
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The impact of competitive strategy on culture and organizational Essay
The impact of competitive strategy on culture and organizational behavior - Essay Example Organizations have to be conscious of their effect on their workersââ¬â¢ behavior both within as well as in their personal lives outside the company. This is especially true where multinational corporations such as ââ¬ËXeroxââ¬â¢ which have foreign subsidiaries are concerned. Xerox, a $22 billion firm which was founded in 1906, is a multinational corporation which operates in 160 nations, and has 160, 000 employees. Companies of such magnitude naturally have to tackle different issues concerning organizational behavior so as to inspire members of staff from different cultural backgrounds and remain relevant in the competitive business industry. The success of Xerox is actually dependent on the productivity of its workers. Levels of the Analysis of Organizational Behavior The main objective of seeking to comprehend principles concerning organizational behavior is to acquire a better understanding of concepts that affect group as well as individual dynamics in the workplace. S tudying organizational behavior consists of conducting three levels of evaluation on corporate resources. In the first level of analysis, which considers the individual, the study of organizational behavior will take into account factors such as the learning patterns of the individual, the individualââ¬â¢s creativity, turnover, motivation, cooperative behavior, cognition, and ethics. The psychology of the individual, and how it affects his or her decisions in the workplace, is considered (Schermerhorn, Hung, and Osborn, 2005). Individual personality plays a big role in determining if organizational behavior will be based on being cooperative or portraying deviant behavior. Workers are suited to different types of organizations because of their personalities (Schermerhorn, Hung, and Osborn, 2005). For example, individualistic workers tend to be openness to new experience, self-monitoring, and possess other proactive qualities. Workers who are more individualistic in nature will re adily take risks, generate different forms of communication, and engage in proactive socialization. In the second level of analysis, which takes into account the significance of groups in organizations, the subjects that are evaluated have to do with dynamics such as cohesion, intra- and intergroup conflict, power, leadership, networks, interpersonal communication, and roles (La pierre and Hackett, 2007). What is emphasized in this stage is the function of sociological processes within the workforce in an organization. In the third level of analysis, what is emphasized on is the dynamics concerning the organization. These could include organizational structure, corporate culture, inter-organizational cooperation, cultural diversity, and external environmental forces. In organizational analysis, the investigation of corporate behavior is based on office politics and anthropology. The Role of Workers in determining organizational Behavior In order for a company to assess the success o f organizational behavior within its workforce, it has to conduct a number of internal examinations. According to Luthans and Youssef (2004) ten percent of workforce behaviors in nearly all organizations are responsible for 80% of organizational performance. It is therefore important for an organization to ensure that it identifies these critical behaviors. People who work
Dynamic Domain Name Server Essay Example for Free
Dynamic Domain Name Server Essay The DNS is the IETF a standardized name service which enable the computer clients on a network to successfully register as well as resolve their DNS domain names. Such names are used in resource access by computers in a networked environment and from other connected networks. The Domain name space The DNS Name Server is a server that stores the domain name space and the related resource records. It also responds to queries requested by the DNS clients. The Domain Name Service query operation A query operation is issued by the DNS client to the DNS server to get either the entire or part of the resource record information that is associated to a certain domain. In case the domain and the resource record exist, the Domain Name Service responds to the query with required information in a form of query respond message. This replied query message changes the initial query and the response with the necessary records provided the DNS server is able to get the required resource record. The DNS query identified in the RFC 1034 is a typical query that comprise of the target domains name, the query class and the query type. A request for a particular resource record is submitted in the query for intended domain resolver. DNS Zones The DNS server that contains full information for a particular DNS name space is considered to have the authority on such name space. In addition, the authoritative information in the server is organized into smaller units referred to as zones that are the major units for DNS replications. The Domain Name Server administrator is responsible for the management and maintenance of DNS namespace, the DNS clients, the zone propagation, DNS zones, and the DNS servers. The administrator also maintains the network security through the anticipation and the control of the new security threats. The Domain Name Server administrator is concerned with the DNS integration with several other windows server services. Conclusion The Domain Name Server that stores full information for a particular DNS name space is considered to be authoritative on such a name space. References Mockapetris, P. , (2003). RFC 1034, Domain Names Concepts and Facilities. Atlanta . The Internet Society
Monday, July 22, 2019
Investigating the acceleration Essay Example for Free
Investigating the acceleration Essay The aim of this experiment is to investigate the motion of a trolley on a plane and compare the results with a mathematical model. Models Assumptions à No Friction When creating the mathematical model I am going to assume that there is no friction acting upon the trolley. This is due to the fact that the trolley will be running upon a smooth plane, which offers no resistance. The trolley is also constructed upon wheels, which minimises the affects of friction between wheel and surface if any. Furthermore the track used for the trolley is specifically designed for the trolley, therefore reducing friction even more. Smooth Pulley The pulley over which the weights pulling the trolley will be passing through, will be smooth. This is for the reasons that the most costly and smoothest pulley available to me will be used. Therefore this should not also provide any resistance, which may impede the flow of motion. à Inextensible String The string, which will be attached to the trolley to accelerate it, will be inextensible, i. e. the string used will not be elastic. Flat Surface The plane over which the trolley is going to be run must be flat, i. must not be slanted up or down or to a side, or else gravity will also be playing a major part in the acceleration or deceleration of the trolley. To ensure the track is flat I placed a ping-pong ball on the track. If the ball rolled up, down or to a side then I would know that the track is not flat and would adjust it in accordance with the motion of the ping-pong ball. String not at an angle The string running off the trolley should be parallel to the track. This is due to the fact that a non-parallel string would be pulling the trolley down as well as forwards. Pulling Forwards = ? Cos ? Pulling Down = ? Cos ? No Swaying In the mathematical model I am going to assume that the falling mass does not sway. This uses the same concept as the rope not being parallel to the trolley. If the mass sways, the falling mass is not using its full potential. Pulling Down = m Pulling Sideways = m Cos ? Negligible Air-Resistance This is due to the unique construction of the trolley; low frame, compact design and no extended parts or objects disrupting the aero-dynamics. Conduct To mimic the real life situation of the motion of a trolley on a plane I am going to use a trolley of mass ranging from 498g to 1498g, which will be run upon a set of smooth tracks. To accelerate the trolley a light inextensible string will be attached to the trolley, which will then be run over a smooth pulley. At this end of the string masses ranging from 20g 80g will be attached which will accelerate the trolley. The mass of the trolley will also be changed. The length of the track will always be kept at 1 metre and the time taken for the trolley to travel the metre will be recorded. While conducting the experiment I realised that clamp holding the pulley covered 1cm of the track. Therefore when carrying out the experiment I released the trolley from 1.1m along the track, giving the trolley its 1m course to run. Accuracy To ensure accurate and reliable results a set of fixed rules must be followed. The length of the track will always be kept to 1 metre. Also three separate readings will be recorded when measuring the time taken for the trolley to travel the fixed metre. Furthermore I am going to ensure that the track is flat, i. e. it is not slanted up, down or to a side, else gravity will also be acting upon the car. Mathematical Model To create the mathematical model I am going to use Newtons second law, which states, The change in motion is proportional to the force. For objects with constant mass, as is the case with this experiment, this can be interpreted, as the force is proportional to the acceleration. Resultant force = mass à acceleration This is written: F = ma The resultant force and the acceleration are always in the same direction. If I use the equation of Newtons second law F = ma and transpose it into the form y = mx + c where the gradient of the graph is gravity. F = ma mg T = ma T = Ma (Substitute into mg T = ma) mg Ma = ma mg = ma + Ma mg = a (m+M) a = g (m/m+M) a = g (m/m+M) + 0 y = m x + c This graph should pass through the points (0,0). To work out acceleration for the mathematical model using the above formula. Mass of trolley (M) = 498g Mass of weight (m) = 20g Distance = 1m a = g (m/m+M) + 0 a = 9. 81 (20/20+498) a = 0. 38 ms-2 All the accelerations have been worked using the above technique and have been presented in the table of results below. Mass of Trolley (g) Mass of weight (g) Distance (m) Acceleration (ms-2) 4 Experimental Results To work out the acceleration for the actual experiment I am going to use the equations of motion, Analysis As can be seen from the graphs the mathematical model, models the actual experiment fairly well until the m (mass of weight) is increased such that the trolley is travelling too fast to ensure accurate timing. Consequently on all three graphs the line of best fit starts from the origin and then gradually veers away from the mathematical model. On the graph of results for M = 498g, it is observable that the actual experiment models the math model reasonably well, until m is 60g. Thereafter, for m = 70g 80g, the trolley is travelling too fast to ensure precise timing hence the big error bars. Therefore I have not taken those two results into consideration when drawing the line of best fit through the points. Furthermore when working out the acceleration for the experimental results I had to square the timing, (i. e. t2) hence doubling the error in timing. The other two graphs of M = 998g 1498g, there are no anomalous results. I think the reason for this is, because of the increased weight of the trolley; the trolley will clearly be travelling slower, hence giving more accurate and reliable timing. The gradient of the line in all the graphs should be in theory 9. 81, but this clearly is not the case. Thus I am going to work out the gradient of the lines and compare it with the math model and observe how well the two compare with each other. As can be seen from the above results the math model did fairly well to model the real life situation of two connected particles. The model I designed does not match the results I obtained in the experiment. This is because either I overlooked some variable quantities or the initial assumptions were flawed. On the other hand it may have been the procedure, which was at fault. In any case all these must be investigated into further. Each assumption ought to be scrutinized independently to deduce whether it is viable with regards to the experiment, in that, some assumptions were unnecessary and others were not made. I think that if the experiment had been conducted in a vacuum and I used air-tracks the experiment would have been a lot more successful.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Tourism And Travel Management In Portugal Tourism Essay
Tourism And Travel Management In Portugal Tourism Essay To see the world has been a childhood dream of mine since an early age. Although nothing will change my passion for my home country, I also have a great passion for seeing and experiencing the home countries of other people. I believe that the people of the world who are fortunate enough to have the ability to travel should make an effort to visit foreign countries. The benefits that spring from world travel are numerous. By traveling and interacting with people from other cultures one can help those other people understand where they come from. Experiencing another persons home country may help one better appreciate their own. I often wonder if people in the Middle East could hate Americans as much as they do if they had actually met one before they attacked the U.S., or if it would be so easy for people to ignore the human rights violations in Africa if they personally had an African friend. On a trip to the Dominican Republic I established several friendships with the Dominican pe ople. Not only do I feel like I helped them understand American culture, I also feel like I was able to learn more about their culture. I now have a personal connection with the Dominican Republic, and would care more if something good or bad happened there than I would otherwise. Because it may not be feasible for me to visit every country in the world, I am making an effort to visit every continent at some point in my life. So in the spirit of travel soon begins my journey to Western Europe. Upon graduating in the spring of 2011, I will celebrate by kicking off my traveling dream by visiting several places across Western Europe. The list includes Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, England, Scotland, and Ireland. I will loop my travel and spend the entire summer going between the regions, spending roughly 2 weeks in each. The purpose of this report is to focus on the first stop, Portugal. Area History and Customs: Compared to the United States, Portugal has a very long history as a country and this is reflected in everything from its historic architecture to its unique cultural traditions. Geographically, Portugal is a rather small country, slightly smaller than the size of Indiana (CIA World Factbook, 2010). Portugals long history spans over 11 defined periods ranging from the age of crusades and monarchy, to periods of empire and discovery, and even times of dictatorship and democracy (History of Portugal, 2004). One of these historical periods of achievement that Portugal may be most famous for is the Age of Discovery. Portuguese explorers such as Vasco de Gama and Magellan set forth on their explorations from Portugal. It was during this time that Portugal expanded its empire, settling locations in Brazil, Africa, and India and securing trade in the Indian Ocean (Eyewitness Portugal, 48). Portugal has experienced rule under a variety of foreign influences including the Moors, the Romans, a nd the Spanish; and residual influences from these forces upon Portugal have taken form in everything from their architecture to their religion and cultural practices. Present day Portuguese people are generally mild-mannered, easy-going, and polite (Eyewitness Portugal, 15). When traveling to Portugal I should expect to find a normally friendly and relaxed people, whom dress formally and conservatively, yet enjoy fun, laughing, and general merry-making (Eyewitness Portugal 15). A few more cultural points of note regarding the Portuguese are religion, language, and entertainment. The Portuguese are overwhelmingly Catholic, and religion is deeply embedded in the Portuguese lifestyle, especially in the north (Eyewitness Portugal, 16). The Portuguese also take great pride in their language, and although it may seem similar to Spanish, it would be insulting to suggest that in front of a Portuguese person (Eyewitness Portugal, 16). Lastly, the Portuguese are generally very enthusiastic about football (soccer) and fado (a musical style), both of which they enjoy watching and playing in their leisure time (Eyewitness Portugal 17). Although these generalizations may prove true most of the time, I will not let them tint my expectations of Portuguese people, and during my travels I hope to find my own definitions and descriptions of the average Portuguese person. As I have learned growing up in America, there are stereotypes and generalizations about Americans, and there are also distinct differences between Americans from different regions and states, but stereotypes are never 100% true, and as I visit different regions and cities in Portugal I will be sure to keep this in mind. Travel Motivations: As I stated earlier, my travel motivations stem from a love of world travel, a passion for learning more about world cultures, and a desire to make connections with individuals across the globe. During my stay in Portugal I hope to: 1) Learn more about Portugals history and development as a country; visit some of Portugals historical landmarks, parks, museums, castles, and more 2) Learn more about Portuguese culture and entertainment; listen to the unique Fado style of music 3) Experience Portuguese culture in both the urban and the rural settings; visit two of Portugals largest and most famous cities (Porto and Lisbon The Capital) 4) Interact with the people of Portugal at every opportunity, including from shops, hostels, and restaurants 5) Have the opportunity to teach someone I meet about America, represent the United States of America well (not be an Ugly-American tourist) Hopefully at the end of my entire trip I will not only have a greater understanding and appreciation for Portuguese culture, but also that of the six other locations I visit. I want to make my experience as immersive as possible and will make efforts to interact, learn, and explore everything each country, city, and town has to offer at every stop and every turn. hotel rooms Overview of Tourism Development: Throughout my research of Portugal, mainly of the cities and towns I will be staying in, I found that the area was well-equipped and prepared to accommodate and serve tourists. There were plenty of hotels, hostels, restaurants, and activities to do; most of which were directed towards a tourism crowd. According to Wikipedia (2010), Portugal attracts many tourists each year. In 2006, the country was visited by 12.8 million tourists. Tourism is playing an increasingly important role in Portugals economy contributing with about 5% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Because of the heavy role tourism plays in the economy, I can generally expect to be accommodated most places I travel within Portugal, and have planned out my trip in such a way that I will already know where I am staying each night. Although Portugal is one of the safest countries in the world, ranking #13 on the Global Peace Index (2010), there are still some precautions travelers should take when visiting Portugal , or any other country for that matter. As the SafeTravel Website describes, Portugal is generally a safe country with a low crime rate, although you have to be more careful in the larger cities, especially Lisbon, which has many pickpockets. But you should watch out for the traffic, especially on the IP5 and the N125 (the main route to the touristy Algarve), which have frequently proved deadly (2010). I will not be driving in any of my travels through Portugal, and rather I will spend most of my travel time on mass transit or walking. However, when walking, especially when crossing streets, I should be aware that road safety is a concern and look before I cross. To minimize the probability of being targeted by a pickpocket I have budgeted out my money ahead of time for all activities. Rather than ca rry my wallet around with me everywhere and risk losing bank cards and drivers licenses, I will carry cash with me and keep it spread out in various pockets. I will also avoid pulling out large sums of cash in public places and be sure I have what I need for activities food, and shopping, before leaving the hostel. Currency/Visa Requirements: Portugal, as a member of the European Union, uses the Euro as its form of currency. As of 27 July 2011, the current exchange rate for Euros to American Dollars is 1 Euro = 1.2982 United States Dollars. Although a passport is required for United States citizens to visit Portugal, a visa is not required for tourist stays of less than 90 days (Visa Requirements, 2010). Itinerary: Summer Overview Country Arrival Time Departure Time United States May 23, 2011 Portugal May 24, 2011 June 5, 2011 Spain June 5, 2011 June 20, 2011 France June 20, 2011 July 4, 2011 Germany July 4, 2011 July 18, 2011 England July 18, 2011 August 1, 2011 Scotland August 1, 2011 August 15, 2011 Ireland August 15, 2011 August 29, 2011 United States August 30, 2011 C:Documents and SettingsGarrettMy DocumentsMy PicturesPortuga lTrip Planningwesterneurope map2.JPG Portugal Daily Itinerary Day 1: May 23, 2011 Travel Day { Richmond ,Newark , Portugal } 1500 Arrive at RIC 1715 Flight Departs Continental Airlines (Flight CO2505) $217.40 USD (Round-Trip) $108.70 USD (For this flight) 1842 Flight lands in EWR 1900 Dinner in EWR Burger King $8.50 USD 2026 Flight Departs EWR Air Portugal (Flight TAP114) 629.28 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($813.10 USD) One-Way Day 2: May 24, 2011 Arrival in Porto, Portugal 0621 Flight Lands in Porto Air Portugal (Flight TAP114) 0630 Security/ Customs Porto Airport 0800 Depart Airport Metro: To Trindade Station Andante Tour Pass (3 days) {Unlimited use of metro, bus, and suburban train} 0820 Arrive Trindade Station Walk to Accommodation 0825 Arrive at Accommodation The Spot Hostel Rua Goncalo Cristovao No12; Porto, Portugal 20 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ per night (2 nights) $51.00 USD 0830 Drop off Luggage at (in Luggage Storage Room) The Spot Hostel Rua Goncalo Cristovao No12; Porto, Portugal Check-in not until 1400 0845 Breakfast at Local Cafe Budget: 7.50 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ 0930 Walk Around City Sightseeing Operation, Relax and Enjoy sights and soundsà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ 1030 Visit Igreja de Sà £o Francisco (Church of Saint Francis) UNESCO World Heritage Site 3.50 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($4.50 USD) 1115 Leave Igreja de Sà £o Francisco Continue walking westward down by river, passing historic Alfà ¢ndega Nova, then head north towards Jardim da Cordoaria (Park). 1230 After enjoying walk and park, get lunch at a local cafà ©/restaurant Budget: 10.50 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ 1330/1400 Walk back to The Spot Check into room, take nap (Recover from jet lag), shower 1630 Take metro from Trindade to Matosinhos Sul Station From Matosinhos Sul walk to beach 1700 Walk down beach to see the Forte de Sà £o Francisco Xavier do Queijo (Castle of the Cheese) After enjoying castle view and walk back to the beach and relax 1900 Head to Buhle restaurant near beach for dinner Budget: 20.00 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($25.00 USD) 2030 Head back to beach to watch sunset {Sunset time: 2054} 2100 Take metro back to Trindade Station and The Spot then to Sao Bento Station in Ribeira district 21452300 Visit Restaurante O Fado for some traditional Portugal Blues music and/or Ryans Irish Pub for some Guinness Budget: 7 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($9.00 USD) 2300-2330 Take metro back to Trindade Station and The Spot ; go to sleep Day 3: May 25, 2011 Porto, Portugal 0800 Wake Up 0830 Complimentary Breakfast 0930 Walk to AntoÃâ¦Ã¢â¬Å¾io Fernandes (Grocery Store) Buy lunch and dinner items Budget: 12 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($15.00 USD) 1015 Walk back to The Spot Drop off groceries, pack lunch to have on-the-go 1030 Take Metro to Casa de Musica House of Music concert hall 1100 Tour Casa de Musica Cost: 3 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($4.00 USD)(Source: Lonely Planet Book Portugal) 1300 Leave Casa de Musica Walk to Monumento aos Herà ³is da Guerra Peninsular (Park) 1330 Eat Lunch in Park 1400 Take metro to Sao Bento Station, walk around/tour the cathedral district; sights may include: (Sà £o Bento Station, The Fernandine Walls, Santa Clara Church, Terreiro da Sà ©) 1630 Walk to Ponte Dom Luà s (Bridge) for view over Douro river and city 1715-1730 Head back to Sao Bento Station; Take metro and walk back to The Spot 1800-1930 Prepare dinner in kitchen and eat dinner 2200 Head to Hot Five Jazz and Blues Club to enjoy some local music Budget: 7 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($9.00 USD) 0000 Be Back at The Spot and get some sleep Day 4: May 26, 2011 Travel to Aveiro, Portugal 0900 Wake Up, Eat Breakfast, Prepare to Leave 1000 Take Metro from Trindad Station to Campanhà £ Station; board train at Campanhà £ Train Station 1052 Train Departs Campanhà £ Station heads for Aveiro Price: 9.50 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($12.30 USD) 1130 Train arrives in Aveiro eat lunch at local restaurant Budget: 7.00 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($9.00 USD) 1300 Check into BiniBag Guest House (Hostel) Price 2 Nights: 32 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($ 41. 30 USD) 1400 Walk to tourism info. center Rent Bike, ride around town Price: 1à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ {returned when bike is} 1600 Return Bike, Walk to small park near canal 1700 Walk to Carrefour (Grocery Store) Buy food for 2 dinners , 2 lunches Budget: 35 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($45.20 USD) 1740 Walk back to BiniBag House, Cook Dinner Eat then relax on rooftop of BiniBag Hostel 1930 Open Night: explore, read a book, shop, nightlife, or sleep Budget: 20 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($25.80 USD) Day 5: May 27, 2011 Aveiro Lagoons, Museums, and Cathedrals 0900 Wake Up, Complimentary Breakfast at BiniBag Hostel (Pack Lunch to have today) 1030 Boat tour of Lagoon Information and Pricing at Tourist Center Cost: Unknown (Budget: 10 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬) 1300 Lunch (packed) Eat wherever, preferably near canals/outdoors 1330 Head to Museum of Aveira Tour the museum Price: 1600 After Leaving the museum stop by Se Cathedral de Aveiro and Igreja de Sà £o Joà £o Evangelista Two historical cathedrals in the area, worth checking out 1800 Head Back to BiniBag Hostel and Cook Dinner Eat/Relax on Rooftop 1930 Open Night: explore, read a book, shop, nightlife, or sleep Budget: 20 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($25.80 USD) Day 6: May 28, 2011 Depart Aveiro, Head for Coimbra 0900 Wake Up Complimentary Breakfast at Binibag Hostel Pack up prepare to leave 1130 Depart Aveiro via Train 26 minute train ride Price: 9.50 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($ 12.30 USD) 1200 Arrive in Coimbra Get Snack at a local restaurant Budget: 5 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($ 6.50) 1300 Check into Grande Hostel de Coimbra Drop off luggage Price (3 nights): 45 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($58.14USD) 1400 Head to Antonio o Dinis Santos (Grocery) 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2 dinners Budget: 35 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($45.22 USD) 1530 Walk to Museu da Cià ªncia da Universidade de Coimbra Science Museum affiliated with nearby university Price: 3 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ (3.87 USD) 1800 Leave Museum, head to Democratica (restaurant) for dinner; cheap popular spot with local students [Not open on Sunday] Budget: 10 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($12.92 USD) 2000 Walk down historic Rua da Sofia (one of the citys main thoroughfares) classified as a national monument Day 7: May 29, 2011 Kayaking Trip 0830 Wake Up, cook and eat breakfast, prepare for kayaking trip 1000 Get picked up for kayaking trip on Rio Mondego Company: O Pioneiro do Mondego (Pack lunch to have with me) Price: 20 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ 1600 Return from kayaking trip, head back to Hostel to shower , change, and cook dinner 2300 Go to à ¡Capella (local student-run bar featuring live Fado music every night) Budget: 10 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($12.92 USD) 0100 Back to Hostel and sleep Day 8: May 30, 2011 Exploring the city of Coimbra 0930 Wake up, cook/eat breakfast 1000 Spend day walking around historic district, pack lunch, Total Cost/Budget 10à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($ 12.92 USD) 1000-1900 Sights and stops will include: Se Velha de Coimbra (Old Cathedral of Coimbra) {3 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬}; -Largo da Portagem (Plaza with shopping and cafes) {5 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ budget}; Jardim Botà ¢nico (Botanical Gardens) {free}; eat packed lunch here -Igreja e Mosteiro de Santa Cruz (Church and Monastery of Santa Cruz),{free, can pay 1 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ to see cloister} -Jardim de Manga (Manga Garden), small park with interesting fountain {free} -Pà ¡tio da Inquisià §Ã £o, (Headquarters of Portuguese Inquisition) dungeons and torturing occurred here {free} 1930 Head back to Hostel, Prepare and eat dinner 2100 Day 9: May 31, 2011 Last Day in Coimbra, Travel to Fatima 0930 Wakeup, Prepare and eat Breakfast 1000 Walk around Praà §a do Comà ©rcio (commercial square); shop eat small brunch at local cafà © Budget: 12 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ 1430 Head to Train Station, Catch Train leaving at 1519 for Fatima Price: 10 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($12.92 USD) 1611 Arrive in Fatima, Check into Luna Fatima Plaza (Hotel) Price: 15 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ (1 Night) 1700 Walk to MiniMercado Eva (Grocery), Buy Breakfast and Lunch items Budget: 15 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($ 19.40 USD) 1900 Eat Dinner at Restaurante a Grehla(Traditional Portuguese grill) Budget: 12 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($15.50 USD) 2000 Go see Capela das Aparià §Ã µes (Chapel of Apparitions) {Apparent Location of Appearance of Virgin Mary} Price: Free 2200 Free night, explore, possibly go to Là ©rias bar, read, sleep Budget: 5 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($ 6.50 USD) Day 10: June 1, 2011 Ourem Castle and travel to Lisbon 0900 Wake up, eat breakfast 1000 Head to Ourem via taxi or bus Budget: 15à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ 1030 Tour Castle at Ourem, eat packed lunch, explore surrounding area Price/Budget: 5 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ 1400 Head back to Fatima, prepare to catch 1755 Train to Lisbon Train Price à ¢Ã¢â¬ °Ãâ 10 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ 2039 Arrive in Lisbon (Entrecampos Station), take metro to Baixa/Chiada Station 3-Day Lisboa Card(Free Public Transport and State Museum Entry) Price: 35 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($45.22 USD) 2100 Check into Smile Hostel Price: (3 nights) 48 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($ 62 USD) 2200 Eat cheap dinner at local restaurant/cafà © Budget: 7 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($ 9 USD) 2300 Explore area for interesting nightlife Budget: 15 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($19.38 USD) Day 11: June 2, 2011 First Full Day in Lisbon (Historic sites in the Alfama Area)) 0900 Wake up, eat breakfast at a local cafà © Budget: 4 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($5.17 USD) 1000 Walk to Supermercado Chen (grocery store) buy groceries for rest of stay Budget: 40 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ ($51.68 USD) 1130 Walk to and explore St. Georges Castle Price 5 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ (30% Discount w/ Lisboa Card) {3.50 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬} 1230 Lunch, then visit Museu Militar (Portuguese Military Museum) Price: 3 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ (20% Discount w/ Card) {2.40 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬} 1500 Visit Sao Vicente de Fora (Church of St. Vincent Lisbons Patron Saint) Price: Free 1600 Wander around Feira da Ladra (Thieves Market) check out this famous market Budget: 3 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ 1700 Visit Sà © Cathedral de Lisboa (The citys cathedral), visit cloister Free, Pay 2.50 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ for cloister 1800 Walk back to hostel, pass by Church of Santo Antà ³nio, cook and prepare dinner 2000 Walk to waterfront, view sunset at à ¢Ã¢â¬ °Ãâ 2056 2100-2300 Checkout local nightlife, try to see some live fado music Budget: 7 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ Day 12: June 3, 2011 Second Day in Lisbon 0900 Wake up, eat breakfast 1000 Rent a GoCar, drive around city on self-guided tour Pick up is near Hostel 1200 Visit Belem Tower (also eat lunch) Historic fortress and monument to Portugals age of discovery Free with Lisboa card 1300 Visit Palà ¡cio da Ajuda (historic palace turned museum) Free with Lisboa card 1600 Walk around Belem, visit anything that tickles my fancy Budget: 10à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬, try to take advantage of Lisboa Card 1900 Head back to Hostel and Eat Dinner 2100- Open night, do whatever Budget: 15 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ Day 13: June 4, 2011 Last Day in Lisbon (and Portugal) 0930 Wake up, eat breakfast Budget for daily activities: 20 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ 1030 Head to the beach, spend most of the day at/around the beach relaxing /soaking last bit of Portuguese sun 1500 Head to any Historical locations of note that I may have seen on GoCar tour but didnt explore on foot 1900 Dinner at Local Restaurant Budget: 15-20 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ 2100- Enjoy last bit of Portuguese night life Budget: 10-18 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ Day 14: June 5, 2011 Depart Portugal, Head for Spain 0900 Wake Up, Breakfast, Pack, Check out of Hostel 1030 Catch Bus from Lisbon to Madrid (arrives in Madrid 2030) Price: 45 à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ Total Cost of Vacation [Portugal] Item Price (à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬) Price ($ USD) Travel (Airlines, Metro, Busesà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦) 892.54 1153.25 Dining 258.58 334.11 Hotel 180.00 232.58 Events 137.90 178.18 Misc. Activities / Shopping 170.00 219.66 Total 1639.02 2117.78
Saturday, July 20, 2019
How Did the Role of the Jewish People Change During the Second Industri
The Jews in Europe were treated very poorly until a reform began in the late eighteenth century. The Jews lived in ghettos where they were not even considered citizens. The Jewish Enlightenment questioned this treatment. Emancipation is defined as, "the legal process, which began in Europe with the French Revolution, or granting to the jews equal civic rights in the countries in which they reside." The Jewish emancipation occurred during the Second Industrial Revolution due to the rise of nation-state and mercantilism (Calgary). The Jewish emancipation began at the end of the eighteenth century. It offered jews social, economic, and political opportunities, but it challenged traditional jewish life and values by making available new avenues of integration (Cornell). The Enlightenment was a "jewish ideological movement that aimed at modernizing Jewish life and thought" (Calgary). During the enlightenment some reforms were made. In 1782, Joseph II gave the Jews of the Habsburg Empire equal treatment as the Christians. France gave citizenship to Jews in 1789. Also during this time places such as Italy and Germany were treating Jews and Christians equally. An exception to the fair treatment was Russia. Russia continued to discriminate against Jews until World War I. The Russian government controlled the publication of Jewish books, the areas Jews could live in, and excluded them from receiving a higher education. The government even started riots in the Jewish communities. This was when many Jews decided to leave Russia and move to the United States. At the time they had all the legal rights as others, but they did encounter prejudice in the United States. Life seemed to improve greatly for t... ...ere treated equally in Europe made the transition more difficult when the discrimination began again. The treatment of Jews became very bad in the years preceding the First World War and they did not improve for many more years of pain and suffering. Borneman, John and Jeffery M. Peck. Sojourners. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,1995. Caron, V. Cornell University. March 1, 1998. Colby University. March 3, 1998. Glatzer, Nahum Norbert. C.A.N.D.L.E.S. March 15, 1998. Greenberg, Louis. The Jews in Russia. Ed. Mark Wischnitzer. New York: Schocken Books, 1976. Segal, Eliezer. University of Calgary. February 27, 1998.
The History Of The Airship :: essays research papers
The History of The Airship Airships. In the early years of War, these beasts were known for their majestic presence in the sky and were icons of a country's power and prestige. They reigned mostly as reconnaissance and transport utility aircraft but there was something about this "lighter-than-air" ship that made it far more than a mere utility workhorse. In this essay, I will discuss the ever-popular and ever- living king of the sky; the Airship. Airships, or dirigibles, were developed from the free balloon. Three classes of airships are recognized: the non-rigid, commonly called blimp, in which the form of the bag is maintained by pressure of the gas; the semi-rigid airship, in which, to maintain the form, gas pressure acts in conjunction with a longitudinal keel; and the rigid airship, or zeppelin, in which the form is determined by a rigid structure. Technically all three classes may be called dirigible (Latin dirigere, "to direct, to steer") balloons. Equipped with a bag containing a gas such as helium or hydrogen which is elongated or streamlined to enable easy passage through the air, these Airships could reach speeds up to 10mph with a 5hp steam engine propeller. The first successful airship was that of the French engineer and inventor Henri Giffard, who constructed in 1852 a cigar-shaped, non-rigid gas bag 44 m (143 ft) long, driven by a screw propeller rotated by a 2.2-kw (3-hp) steam engine. He flew over Paris at a speed of about 10 km/hr (about 6 mph). Giffard's airship could be steered only in calm or nearly calm weather. The first airship to demonstrate its ability to return to its starting place in a light wind was the La France, developed in 1884 by the French inventors Charles Renard and Arthur Krebs. It was driven by an electrically rotated propeller. The Brazilian aeronaut Alberto Santos-Dumont developed a series of 14 airships in France. In his No. 6, in 1901, he circled the Eiffel Tower. Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, the German inventor, completed his first airship in 1900; this ship had a rigid frame and served as the prototype of many subsequent models. The first zeppelin airship consisted of a row of 17 gas cells individually covered in rubberized cloth; the whole was confined in a cylindrical framework covered with smooth-surfaced cotton cloth. It was about 128 m (about 420 ft) long and 12 m (38 ft) in diameter; the hydrogen-gas capacity totaled 1,129,842 liters (399,000 cu ft). The ship was steered by forward and aft rudders and was driven by two 11-kw (15-hp) Daimler internal- combustion engines, each rotating two propellers.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Harm of Milk Essays -- Health Nutrition Milk Essays
The Harm of Milk Got Milk? Well, Austin Powers, Tracy McGrady, Serena Williams, Britney Spears, and even Elvis all do. But, do they know what they are selling in this Got Milk? Advertisements? The Got Milk? campaign was based on a milk deprivation strategy that reminded consumers how inconvenient it was to be without milk. The advertisment made milk a very popular drink because of its attractiveness not because of the nutrients and health issues. It has been believed by many that milk is needed to have a strong and healthy body, when actually milk can be extremely harmful and the nutrients needed for a good body can be found in many other sources. Statistics show that milk consumption is on the rise in the United States since the Got Milk? campaign was launched. In 1993, 58.1 billion pounds of milk was consumed. It had risen to 59.5 billion pounds by 2002, an increase of 1.4 billion pounds (ERS, Animal Products Branch). Another factor causing the milk industry to grow is dairy farmers. They risk the collapse of their industry if the population does not consume enough milk. So, of course, the farmers are pushing us to drink not just one glass, but two and three glasses of milk a day. Their main priority is to make money by getting us to drink milk as much as possible, not to inform us that milk may not be all that healthy because we are not aware of the risks, we tip our glasses and drink up. Milk is not as nutritionally essential as it is portrayed, but rather it is harmful to our bodies. Heart disease is Americaà ¡Ã ¯s number-one killer. The main causes of this disease have been believed to be such things as smoking, stress, and even lack of companionship. However, according to an article in Earth Island Journal, milk consumption is probably the number one cause of heart disease. By the time the average American turns fifty-two, he or she will have consumed in milk and dairy products the same amount of cholesterol contained in one million slices of bacon ( à ¡Ã °Milk: The Deadly Poisonà ¡Ã ±). Dairy products are the most instant source of saturated fat. Saturated fat increases cholesterol production in the liver. This leads to the formation of fatty deposits in the arteries which increase oneà ¡Ã ¯s risk of heart attack and stroke (à ¡Ã °The Case against Dairyà ¡Ã ±). The high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol found in milk intensify your chances of by pass surge... ...or most people, especially if you donà ¡Ã ¯t have some sort of workout plan. As for me I am told to drink milk to gain muscle, because it is the easiest protein for your body to take in. With all of the physical activities that I do being on the Penn State Football Team, I will have less of a risk of having heart problems than people who do not participate in physical activity. That is why it is very important to get the right amount of exercise in order to burn the excess calories from the saturated fat that is contained in regular milk. Even with all of the exercise in the world, there are still problems that can not be taken care of by the consumer. The only way to be sure that you are not going to have physical problems because of milk is to refrain from drinking regular, whole milk and to drink liquids that contain the healthier calcium and protein that milk in known for. à à à à à If you are a milk drinker, I encourage you to take a long hard look at all the risks involved with consuming this product. It could prevent you from having heart disease or other ailments associated with milk. So next time you see an advertisement for à ¡Ã °Got Milk?à ¡Ã ± as yourself, à ¡Ã °Got Something Else?à ¡Ã ± The Harm of Milk Essays -- Health Nutrition Milk Essays The Harm of Milk Got Milk? Well, Austin Powers, Tracy McGrady, Serena Williams, Britney Spears, and even Elvis all do. But, do they know what they are selling in this Got Milk? Advertisements? The Got Milk? campaign was based on a milk deprivation strategy that reminded consumers how inconvenient it was to be without milk. The advertisment made milk a very popular drink because of its attractiveness not because of the nutrients and health issues. It has been believed by many that milk is needed to have a strong and healthy body, when actually milk can be extremely harmful and the nutrients needed for a good body can be found in many other sources. Statistics show that milk consumption is on the rise in the United States since the Got Milk? campaign was launched. In 1993, 58.1 billion pounds of milk was consumed. It had risen to 59.5 billion pounds by 2002, an increase of 1.4 billion pounds (ERS, Animal Products Branch). Another factor causing the milk industry to grow is dairy farmers. They risk the collapse of their industry if the population does not consume enough milk. So, of course, the farmers are pushing us to drink not just one glass, but two and three glasses of milk a day. Their main priority is to make money by getting us to drink milk as much as possible, not to inform us that milk may not be all that healthy because we are not aware of the risks, we tip our glasses and drink up. Milk is not as nutritionally essential as it is portrayed, but rather it is harmful to our bodies. Heart disease is Americaà ¡Ã ¯s number-one killer. The main causes of this disease have been believed to be such things as smoking, stress, and even lack of companionship. However, according to an article in Earth Island Journal, milk consumption is probably the number one cause of heart disease. By the time the average American turns fifty-two, he or she will have consumed in milk and dairy products the same amount of cholesterol contained in one million slices of bacon ( à ¡Ã °Milk: The Deadly Poisonà ¡Ã ±). Dairy products are the most instant source of saturated fat. Saturated fat increases cholesterol production in the liver. This leads to the formation of fatty deposits in the arteries which increase oneà ¡Ã ¯s risk of heart attack and stroke (à ¡Ã °The Case against Dairyà ¡Ã ±). The high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol found in milk intensify your chances of by pass surge... ...or most people, especially if you donà ¡Ã ¯t have some sort of workout plan. As for me I am told to drink milk to gain muscle, because it is the easiest protein for your body to take in. With all of the physical activities that I do being on the Penn State Football Team, I will have less of a risk of having heart problems than people who do not participate in physical activity. That is why it is very important to get the right amount of exercise in order to burn the excess calories from the saturated fat that is contained in regular milk. Even with all of the exercise in the world, there are still problems that can not be taken care of by the consumer. The only way to be sure that you are not going to have physical problems because of milk is to refrain from drinking regular, whole milk and to drink liquids that contain the healthier calcium and protein that milk in known for. à à à à à If you are a milk drinker, I encourage you to take a long hard look at all the risks involved with consuming this product. It could prevent you from having heart disease or other ailments associated with milk. So next time you see an advertisement for à ¡Ã °Got Milk?à ¡Ã ± as yourself, à ¡Ã °Got Something Else?à ¡Ã ±
Thursday, July 18, 2019
According to Cormack
As reflected in his painting `Hay Wain`, Constable had naturalist concernsà as compared to the more romanticist elements of Turners work, as exemplified in his painting The Slave Ship. Constable made all the efforts towards rebellion against the cultures of the artists in the application of imagination for the purpose of representation of their art in favor of nature.He stresses the need to forget having seen any picture in the process of making a sketch. His studies are based on the spot of action in contrast to following any formula. According to Cormack, ââ¬Å"The world is wideâ⬠, no two days are similar, nor even two hours; neither were there ever two leaves of a tree alike since the creation of all the world; and the genuine productions of art, like those of nature, are all distinct from each other.â⬠(Cormack, 2006).à In comparison to the work of Turner, he had a less extensive range as well as aspirations. The most suitable definition of Constable is a ââ¬Ën aturalistââ¬â¢ which through his correspondence, he has successfully as so. However, the stylistic variety of Constable is marred with instability with regard to the perception of the constituent of nature. Further the sites intimately known to him have been the focus of his paintings.There is no strict uniqueness of the indisputable approach of Constable in as far as the concern of the local scenery is concerned. This is evidenced by the participation of the contemporary artist of the Norwich as well as the conformation to the work of Thomas Christopher, who is an artist of 1777-1843 (Fleming-Williams, 2006). The common practice is the application of oil to sketch from nature.Turner has made his contribution to in the establishment of a landscape to represent a historical painting although he widely disputes the idea. The single mindedness of Constable is responsible for the portrayal of site of limited range in a unique way producing unprecedented oil sketching of a brilliance capacity (Fraser, 2006).On the other hand, Turner has a subjective reflection that surpasses far beyond the romantic contemporaries that he possesses with the capacity to foreshadow an image in dissolution in a painting of the 20th century. According to Bailey, the best description of the work of Turner is ââ¬Å"airy vision painted with tinted steamâ⬠(Bailey, 2007).As has been visualized in the Slave Ship in an instance that a description is offered of the sharks following the slave ship in reaction to a storm. The sharks react to the scent crowds that steam due to rank diseases as well as death.There is also an existence of a realistic event involving a slave ship captain dumping human cargo in the sea as result of a disease outbreak below decks. The work of Turner has a clear demonstration of romanticism elements through the employment of disjoint diagonals. The consequence is composition fragmentation (Kelder, 2000).Turner, the terrific creator had the potential for the ap plication of unique invention for the purpose of liberating color from line definition for the purpose of the expression of the natural forces for the purpose of its unity to the stirring response of the artists.This leads to uniting emotions reality to the color reality. Used as an abstract media, the work of Turner was associated with unpredictable effects. This is seen in the nature of ultimate painting element evident in his innovations due to the emotive as well as aesthetic strength of his application of pure color (Leslie, 2005).
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Unit 11 Child Care Nvq Level 3
Unit 11 Out coiffe 1 draw what is meant by a unequivocal milieu Environment is the sur staff of a central point it chthonicstructure be split in to usual chord basic categories biological, physical and social. The environment of my thrill setting for example is made up biological aspects i. e. my self, my pincerren, my husband, our pet hamsters and the taboo opening plants and trees in the garden, similarly the squirtren that attend my thrill setting. The physical aspects atomic number 18 the toys, furniture admittance wall, large garden equipment, buggies safety furnish etc. he social environment in my setting is all healthful-nigh the culture, and customs of my setting and the activities and experiences we atomic number 18 regard in and interact with. a supportive environment is warm and welcoming, consistent and still ,safe clean and tidy, where individuals be tr swallowed with delight in and dignity, they feel welejaculate and valued, they are satisfacto ry to reach in that respect potential with break fear of harm or mistr wash upment. target regulatory requirements that underpin a overbearing environment for chelaren and new-made concourse.National standards for under 8s day financial aid wee courses foundation make up The Early Years designate The Child trouble Register Out come 3 formulate how to effectively electric charge for minorren and three-year-old peoples skin, cop and teath. Skin fretting if a churl is requi red ink to deaden in a boor pull off environment it is meaning(a) that each child has their own individual towel and shellface cloth. This depart hold back the sp tape of whatever potential infection. It is withal great to argue with parent the care exact to determine that the care provided live up tos with any cultural / medical checkup necessitate.Skin should whole be employ with the consent of the parent or care . childrens skin is sensitive when compaired with adults it is asl o thiner, it is chief(prenominal) to ascertain that after washing it is dryed well with patting not rubbing as this will revoke agervating any sore areas such as eczema. Hand washing is a very effective way to reduce and keep on illness and infection, strives need to be washed with warm soppy water supply and dryed properly. Hands should be washed ahead ea affaire, after using the toilet , after handling animals and after playing proscribed doors and contct with open wounds.Its importat to introduce children to near(a) hand washing habbits as young as possible and to make it an enjoyable bodily process, as this will armed service build good habbits in adult hood as children get older they good deal ofttimes skip the hand washing stage and my need to be remindered to do so and why its important to wash hands. tomentum cerebri care it is importat to discuss with parents/ cares how often they would likew in that location childs haor to be washed and how they wish it to b e styles.This potbelly depen on my factiour ie type off hair, culture spiritual beliefs. The primary(prenominal) concers as a care provider is to ensure a watch is unplowed for head lice these are very wasted parasites that live on the hair, signs that a child has head lice admit itching, subatomic red marks on the scalp where the child has been bitten and white ball cases on the hair they do not come divulge with regual brushing. Parents should be inforned asap and the child reasured that they are not dirty.Child need to be treated as soon as posible from discoverty to prevent them from infecting others in the setting. Teeth care Dentists say that the most important get out of tooth care happens at home. Brushing and flossing properly, along with regular dental checkups, can help prevent tooth decay and mucilage disease. To prevent cavities, you need to remove plaque, the transparent horizontal surface of bacteria that coats the odontiasis. The best way to do this is by brushing your teeth double a day and flossing at to the lowest degree once a day.Brushing also lets the gums, which helps to keep them healthy and prevent gum disease. Brushing and flossing are the most important things that you can do to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Toothpastes contain abrasives, detergents, and foaming agents. Fluoride, the most common active ingredient in toothpaste, is what prevents cavities. So you should always be sure your toothpaste contains fluoride. relieve how a positive environment and rouitine meet the emotional needs of children and their families.A positive environment and routien is essental to meeting the emotional needs of the children that attend the child care setting, when a chid feels safe and adroit in their enviournment they draw confidence to explore what is a round them, through a positive enfivroment and moment children also learn many important social skills such as share with others, patience and understand of those differe t from them self. the enviornment will stimulate the child to try need thing while keep them safe from harm. They can develop at their own measure and meet the mile stone of child hood.Through a possitive environment and figure tailored to the individual needs of the family the emotial needs of the family can be met in that they live there child is well care for and treated with respect and valued as an individual this is very importat curiously when a child beguins to attend a rising car setting as the parents and cares can get on with their work happy that their child is in good hands. Describe the importance for physical and mental well being of balancing periods of physical activity with rest and quiet time.Out come 4 define the Basic nurtritional requirements of children and young people to ensure a equilibrize diet and meet government guidence children only have small tummies and so need plenty of calories and nutrients in a small amount of fodder to ensure they evolve properly. They can easily get a balanced diet by alimentation a variety of feeds from four chief(prenominal) food groups breads, other cereals and potatoes these starchy foods include pasta and rice, provide energy, fibre, vitamins and minerals.Fruits and vegetables these provide fibre, vitamins and are a source of antioxidants. Milk and dairy foods these provide calcium for healthy clappers and teeth, protein for growth, plus vitamins and minerals. Meat, fish and alternatives these foods include eggs and pulses, provide protein and vitamins and minerals, especially iron. pulses, provide protein and vitamins and minerals, especially iron. Pulses also contain fibre This chart gives a rough guideline to the mundane calorie needs of boys and girls at opposite ages.Kids who are really active whitethorn need more those who are passive may need less. AgeCalories per day BoysGirls 131,2301,165 461,7151,545 7101,9701,740 11142,2201,845 15182,7552,110 Adults2,5501,940 Explain how to establish the different diertary requirements of chilren ands young people. due to the diverse nature of the alliance we live in to day it is important to establish a good on the job(p) realtionship with parents/ carers of the children you are goin to be careing for.This is where you will catch out reams and reams of invaluable information about the children you are looking after for example there like and dislikes, medical conditions etc. This is also where you will be able to surface out what kinds of food the children eat at home and are expected to eat in your care setting ie vegitables It is also important to discuss with parents food witch my not be obstreperously for reasion such as cultural belifes religious practaces, tolerances, allergies and persional chioces.It is important to ensure your awere of the foods each child in your care my and my not eat and to ensure that your meals are made with these in mind. This imformatiuon can be proccessed into an easy to read ch art that can be fit(p) in the food preperation are and use for reference when looking for new recipies. This will also ensure that everone invloved with the food conceptualisation for the children in your care setting are kept informed of the approprate diarty requirments for each child in the setting. Describe basic food saftey when providing food and drink to children and young people. -cooking, ingest utensils and work surfaces spotlessly clean beforehand use -wash hands before mournful food -check use by dates -keep perishables in the fridge -keep fridge between0-5degrees Celsius -keep freezer at a lower place 18degrees celeries -avoid contact between raw and cooked foods -clean and clean food preparation areas regularly memory uncooked meat at back tooth of fridge -cover all food when out or defrosting -ensure food is cooked thoroughly and as -do not reheat food
Mckinsey Report July 2012
Day of reckoning for European sell banking McKinsey breed July 2012 The dynamics of the global banking sector drib in been in flux since the beginning of the 2008. Irate creditors every inject have c every(prenominal)ed for more stringent regulation to construe that that the interests of pecuniary institutions are more closely line up with those of their customers and shareholders. The global, European and subject area authorities have responded with muscularity and the regulatory reform to which all banks, wholesale and retail, testament be subject in the coming years entrust have an burning(prenominal) impact on their bottom line.The single biggest cause of a decline in retail banks roe entrust flummox from the global regulatory mechanism Basel III, which ordain place greater capital requirements on banks and more idiom on adequate support and liquidity. Furthermore, three important European regulatory instruments, the EU Mortgage Directive, the Markets in Finan cial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) and the Single Euro pays Area (SEPA), Payment Service Directive, depart withal considerably precipitate ROE. Finally, the implementation of unseasoned national regulation go away create further downward pressure on ROE, though this forget vary considerably from field to country.This report provides estimates on the impact on capital, revenues, be and profit margins of all the relevant regulations on severally crossroad (both asset- and liability-based) in each of the quaternion biggest European markets France, Ger more, Britain and Italy which combined constitute 66% of the EU27 retail-banking market. ROE is the banner metric used and the report calculates the cumulative frame of all regulation as if it were all adjust in place immediately, using 2010 as the baseline year. The cover reaches some important conclusions.Firstly, with regard to national and continent-wide retail banking markets, ROE forget flow from approximatel y 10% to 6% when all four markets are taken as a whole. infra is a breakdown of the effect in each of the national markets Country France Germany Italy UK ROE Pre-Regulation 14% 7% 5% 14% ROE Post-Regulation 10% 4% 3% 7% Delta -29 -47 -40 -48 The impact in the UK is particularly caustic as national regulation is extensive. In terms of the effect of regulation on the dissimilar product offerings of retail banks, asset-based products are generally the harder-hit.In the UK and France, mortgages and small-business loans will be the nigh adversely affected. alike in Germany mortgages, personal and small-business loans will be the close negatively influenced. In Italy, the value of every asset-based product will be impaired. The disheartening truth of the guinea pig is that crossways the board the ROE of asset-based products will fall below 10%, which is currently the estimated cost of blondness for retail banks. On the other hand, liability-based products will evoke more resilie nt.Deposits will become more semiprecious to retail banks as they are an advantaged form of funding and liquidity under impertinently regulation. Geographically speaking, in France and Germany only investment products and debit cards will be negatively affected and in Italy most liability-based products will escape relatively intact. However, once over again domestic regulation in Britain will playact a role in reducing retail banks ROE, to the extent that all liability products in the UK will be adversely affected. An important section of the report discusses global systemically important financial institutions (GSIFIs).Such financial establishments are considered too interconnected and universal to be subject to the new regulation imposed on smaller-scale retail banks. The Financial Stability Board has hence proposed additional capital requirements for G-SIFIs, which will induce a further reduction of their ROE of anywhere in the midst of 0. 4 percentage points and 1. 3 per centage points dep nullifying on the institution. In addition, it will be obligatory for all G-SIFIs to prepare a recovery and resolution think (RRP) that will provide a strategic be for authorities to wind down the bank in the event of dissolution.The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) is also developing new global rules on risk of infection IT for G-SIFIs which are expected to be issued by the end of 2012. Such regulation will mean that these organisations will be subject to exhaustive supervision and many ad hoc requests, thus amplifying costs and absorbing precaution resources. The general conclusion of this paper is that it is improbable that banks across the board in Europe will bring back to pre-regulation ROE levels in the short to medium term. The UK will be particularly adversely affected out-of-pocket to its inflexible domestic regulation.Nevertheless, the paper proposes four palliative measures retail banks stack employ in establish to cushion the blo w of new regulatory forces on their ROE levels. The first is Technical Mitigation, which basically selects improving might of capital and funding. Secondly, Capital and funding-light run models seek to further improve funding efficiency and reduce risk-weighted assets (RWAs) by implementing changes to their product mix and characteristics and ensuring more vigorous pursuit of collateral and better outplacement of risk.Thirdly, and although they will be severely limited in doing so by regulatory authorities, banks can execute repricing in order to compensate the shortfall in ROE. The paper predicts more repricing in fragmented industries, which implies that the scale of repricing will be limited in the UK, a highly concentrated industry. Types of repricing include new fee-based pricing, modular pricing, incomplete performance remuneration and value-added packages. Finally, and perhaps most dramatically, financial institutions can engage in Business-Model Alignment. Such restrat egizing would involve two principle shifts. The first centres on a new, rigorous focus on ROE in retail banks, meaning greater investment in management systems and strengthening their resource allocation processes. The punt important shift can be denoted as Sustainable Retail Banking, and comprises four key elements elaborateness into new revenue sources, creation of advice for which customers will pay, reconfiguration and focus of the distribution system to render it leaner and simpler and new absolute costs by 20 30%.By exercising the above levers, retail banks can create a bulwark against the weight of new regulation and cushion the inevitable reduction in their ROE. Anticipatory forward-planning of mitigation measures is central in adapting to the new regulatory environment engulfing retail banking and will assistance banks that are fully committed to returning to pre-regulation ROE levels to achieve their post-regulatory reform potential.
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